Friday, May 29, 2009

Beasiswa Doktor S3 Jerman

Doctoral Scholarships for the Graduate College “The Economics of
Innovative Change”

Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Germany)

The Graduate College / Graduiertenkolleg “The Economics of Innovative
Change” (Die Ökonomik des innovativen Wandels) started on October 1st,
2006 at the Department of Economics of the Friedrich-Schiller-University
Jena in cooperation with the Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena.
The program is funded by the German Science Foundation. It offers top
level graduated students the opportunity to achieve a doctoral degree
(PhD) in economics. Meanwhile the research group comprises 38 PhD
students. Continuous enrollment in the program is possible.

The Graduate College offers several scholarships for doctoral students
(duration of 2+1 years) with a background in economics and business
administration. The Research Training Group “The Economics of Innovative
Change“ will address unresolved questions and problems concerning the
economic dynamics of firms, markets, sectors and regions with an
analytical focus on the endogenous driving forces mainly understood as
the activities of invention and innovation. The variety of topics that
is dealt with covers the foundations of individual behavior and the
economic and institutional environment, the generation of innovations
together with the organizational forms of activities of invention and
innovations, the change of the sectoral structures caused by
innovations, the role of the demand side in this context, as well as the
political management of change.

The scholarship positions require a permanent and active participation
in the study and the research program of the research training group.
Therefore all scholarship holders are expected to choose Jena as their
place of residence.

Applications are expected to include

• CV, copy of diploma, BA, MA certificate, copy of diploma or master
thesis, writing sample (about 10 pages), 2 reference letters from
academic teachers, 1 page statement on the expected benefit from
participating in the program;
• the application form: visit our homepage,
download, fill in and return to us; and be mailed to the spokesman of
the Graduate College:
Professor Dr. Uwe Cantner
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Department of Economics
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3
D-07743 Jena
e-mail: uwe.cantner @

Application is possible on a continuous basis. Please do not send any
originals because materials submitted cannot be returned to the applicant.

For more information on the structure, teaching staff and objectives of
the Research Training Group please visit:
Continuous Reading...

Beasiswa S3 PhD Italia 2009 2010

the following provided the Italy scholarship for S3 in year 2009-2010
Info scholarship S1 S2 S3 diploma scholarship

Doctoral School in Information and Communication Technology
ANNOUNCEMENT OF SELECTION: 25th cycle – academic year 2009/10

Number of positions: 57
Number of grants: 47

Number of positions: 7
Number of grants: 6

Number of positions: 8
Number of grants: 7

Announcements of selection: published in Gazzetta Ufficiale no. 39 of 22nd of May 2009 and available in the Box Download.

Application's deadline to participate in the selection: 30th of June 2009

Contributions to enrolment and attendance for the 24th cycle: see Box More

Go to the application online

Further info:

Continuous Reading...

Scholarship for master in domestic | Depag

A. Purpose, Objectives, Targets and Scholarship Program
1. Purpose
Scholarships programs master (S2) is intended to improve the quality of teachers,
supervisors and employees in the Directorate General of Education Islamic environment in order to improve the quality
educational services at the madrasah.

2. Purpose
a. Improve the competency of professionalism of teachers and field supervisors madrasah studies;
b. Improving the quality of environmental education in the Directorate General of Islamic Education;
c. Increasing the capability of teachers, supervisors, and employees;
d. Improve the welfare of teachers, supervisors, and employees in career development and
social role;
e. Improving the image of madrasah education quality as an institution.

3. Aim
a. Madrasah teachers to field of study: Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, English,
English, Social Science (History), Arabic, Islamic History of Culture, Morals faith, Qur'an
Hadith, and Jurisprudence at the Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) danMadrasah Aliyah (MA) of both
and the private sector, civil servants and non-civil servants;
b. Supervisors (family) education in the Islamic madrasah, employees in the Directorate of Environmental
Madrasah Education Mapenda field and in the regions, the priority for the program of study:
management education. Curriculum development, evaluation and education.
B. Terms
a. Common
1. Fill out the registration form attached as an example;
2. Maximum age of 45 years for teachers / staff and supervisors for 48 years at the time
3. Attach a photocopy of diploma and last dilegalisir by authorities as much as 2 sheets;
4. Attach value forocopy transcript (minimum GPA 2.75) and dilegalisir by the parties
2 pieces of authorities;
5. Attach colored photo fit the size 3 x 4 pieces of 2;
6. Attach a photo copy of identity card of 2 width;
7. For teachers attach approval letter from the Head of Madrasah is known by the Chairman
Foundation or the Head of Religious Affairs for the Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) and Kabid
Mapenda / Kependais for Madrasah Aliyah (MA) is attached as an example;
8. For employees and attach a letter of approval from the Head of the Unit of Work
are attached as an example;
9. Teachers have for the job (teaching) in the madrasah and a minimum of 5 years for employees
work in Mapenda / Madrasah Education Directorate at least 5 years with a proven
letter from the leaders of work units concerned;
10. Program of study must be selected according to field of study is taught, except for
educational management, curriculum development, evaluation and education;
11. For those who are breastfeeding or pregnant should not follow the selection of scholarship program
b. Special
1. During implement the study, the dibebastugaskan task of teaching or
other and not eligible to receive a functional allowance in accordance with the provisions of
2. Participants in this program is not for the Candidate Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS);
3. Attach a decree last for civil servants, and the decree of adoption as a teacher leader
Foundation / The Madrasah for Non-civil servants;
4. Able to complete the study a maximum of 2 years and proved with the statement in the mail
top materai Rp.6.000, - attached as an example;
5. After your studies must perform a task / process re-work units in the madrasah
for at least 5 years, evidenced by statements in the mail before the Notary Public;
6. For participants who do not Pegawai Negeri Sipil (non-PNS) after completing the program
beasiswa S-2 does not require to be appointed Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS).
C. Registration
a. Time and Place
1. Registration was held on 13 - 30 April 2009 each working day adjusted with
local time.
2. Place each on the registration field Mapenda Office of the Department of Islamic Religion
The relevant province. Registration file sent 2 duplex.
b. Tata Cara Pendaftaran
1. Fill out the registration form (duplicate is created 2) and submitted to the Director General
Director of Islamic Education cq Madrasah Education through the office of the Department of Religion
Ministry of Religious Affairs of the province with the requirements
as listed in the manual.
2. Forms that are filled are included in the map and listed in the left corner
name, program of study, the selected universities, the status of madrasah teachers, supervisors or
employees and work units of origin.

3. During the registration process and selection is not free of charge.
c. Selection and implementation of the Places
1) Time and Place Selection
Implementation of the selection test was conducted simultaneously on:
Day, Date: Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Time: 08.00 WIB - finish
Place: office of the Department of Religion Province (list below)
No Place Test Coverage Area
1 Banda Aceh Nangroe Aceh Darussalam
2 Medan, North Sumatra
3 Pekanbaru Riau, West Sumatra, Riau Islands
4 Palembang Bengkulu, Jambi, Babel, South Sumatra
5 Jakarta DKI Jakarta, Banten, Lampung
6 Bandung West Java
7 Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta, Central Java
8 Surabaya of East Java, Bali
9 Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat
10 Banjarmasin South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan
11 Samarinda East Kalimantan
12 Pontianak Kalimantan Barat
13 Palu in Central Sulawesi
14 Makassar in South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi
15 Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara
16 Ambon Maluku
17 Manado North Sulawesi, Gorontalo
18 Ternate of North Maluku
19 Jayapura Papua
20 Sorong west Papua
2) Implementation of Selection Procedure
a. Executing / supervisor exam consists of a selection of universities, the Directorate of Education
Madrasah and the field office of the Department of Religion Mapenda Province.
b. The file selection and number of tests carried out coincides with the registration
13 - 30 April 2009 hours of work each day. This is done for efficiency, the time for
participants away from the location registration. Address and location of screening test akan
notified by the local committee at the time of the exam.
c. At the time of the exam, participants must bring the test as evidence of the legitimate
exam and present 15 minutes before the test begins.
d. All costs for the purpose of the test participants, such as consumption and accommodation (if required
participants) and the cost of transport during the test, by each participant.
3) Announcement of Examination Results
a. Announcement of results of tests based on the determination of a meeting of potential participants on 21
May 2009.
b. Announcement of results of tests on 25 May 2009 through the national print media, billboard
the office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of each province as well as through the website.

Department of Religion (
c. For the participants stated that graduate, the more will be set in the announcement
D. Formation / field study carried
Formation Scholarship Program and Universities
No. Name Number of PTN Studies
1 State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan
Kalijaga Yogyakarta
1. Cultural History of Islam 30
2. Arabic 30
3. Qur'an Hadith 30
2 State Islamic University (UIN) Malang 1. Arabic 60
2. Cultural History of Islam 30
3 State Islamic University (UIN) Alauddin
1. Qur'an Hadith 30
2. Cultural History of Islam 30
3.Bahasa Arab 30
4 State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan
Mount Djati Bandung
1. Arabic 30
2. Qur'an Hadith 30
3.Akidah Morals 30
5 State Islamic University (UIN) Sultan
Syarif Kasim Riau
Jurisprudence 30
6 Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sunan
Ampel Surabaya
1. Jurisprudence 60
2. Belief Morals 30
7 Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN)
Walisongo Semarang
1.Akidah Morals 60
2.Qur 'an Hadith 30
8 Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) 1. Physics 30
2. Mathematics 30
3.Kimia 30
9 University of Gadjah Mada (UGM)
1. Mathematics 30
2. Biology 30
3.Kimia 30
10 Iniversitas Indonesia (UI) Jakarta Indonesia 60 Languages
11. Ten Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS)
1.Fisika 30
2.Kimia 30
3. Mathematics 30
12 Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) 1.Matematika 30
2.Kimia 30
3.Biologi 30
13 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)
1. Curriculum Development 30
2. History 30
14 State University of Malang (UM) English 90
15 Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) 1. Management Education 30
2. Educational Evaluation 30
Number of 1200
Jakarta, 6 April 2009
Director of Education Madrasah
Appendix 1: Application Form

A. Identitas Pendaftar
1. Nama : ........................................................................................................................
2. Jenis Kelamin*) : Laki-laki Perempuan
3. Tempat, tgl.lahir : ........................................................................................................................
4. Alamat Lengkap : ........................................................................................................................
..........................................Telp/HP: ...............................................................
B. Status Kepegawaian Pendaftar
1. Status pegawai : PNS Non-PNS
2. NIP : .................................................................................................................
3. Pangkat/Gol. : .................................................................................................................
4. Tugas : Guru Pengawas Pegawai
5. Unit Kerja : .................................................................................................................
6. Alamat unit kerja : .................................................................................................................
7. Guru bidang studi**) : .................................................................................................................
8. Tugas/Jabatan***) : .................................................................................................................
9. Lama tugas/mengajar : ……….. tahun
C. Pendidikan Terakhir
1. Nama Perguruan Tinggi : .............................................................................................................
2. Jurusan : .............................................................................................................
3. Tahun lulus : .............................................................................................................
D. Pilihan Program Magister (S2)
1. Nama Perguruan Tinggi : .............................................................................................................
2. Program Studi : .............................................................................................................
Keterangan :
*) : diberikan tanda ceklist (√) di kotak yang sesuai
**) : Hanya diisi oleh guru
***) : Hanya diisi oleh pengawas/pegawai
Lampiran 2 : Surat Pernyataan Pelamar Program Beasiswa Magister (S2)
Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:
Nama : ..................................................................................................................
Tempat, Tgl lahir : ..................................................................................................................
NIP : ..................................................................................................................
Tugas*) : Guru Pengawas Pegawai
Guru bidang studi**) : ..................................................................................................................
Tugas/Jabatan***) : ..................................................................................................................
Unit Kerja : ..................................................................................................................
Alamat unit kerja : ..................................................................................................................
Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa jika saya dinyatakan lulus seleksi Program Beasiswa Magister (S2)
Departemen Agama Tahun 2009, maka saya bersedia :
1. Mematuhi segala ketentuan Program Beasiswa Magister (S2) Departemen Agama
2. Menyelesaikan studi Program Magister (S2) selama 2 (dua) tahun;
3. Menjaga nama baik peserta dan Departemen Agama sebagai lembaga pemberi beasiswa S2;
4. Belajar dengan seungguh-sungguh untuk mencapai hasil yang terbaik;
5. Kembali ke madrasah tempat semula mengajar setelah menyelesaiakan studi (bagi guru);
6. Kembali bekerja di unit kerja sebelumnya setelah menyelesaikan studi (bagi pengawas/pegawai);
7. Membuat dan menyampaikan laporan tertulis tentang kemajuan belajar tiap semester kepada Direktorat
Pendidikan Madrasah dan unit kerja sebelumnya.
Jika dikemudian hari saya tidak mengindahkan pernyataan tersebut di atas, maka saya bersedia menerima
sanksi sebagaimana ketentuan yang berlaku. Demikian surat pernyataan ini saya buat dengan
Materai Rp 6000 dan ditandatangani
Keterangan :
*) : diberikan tanda ceklist (√) di kotak yang sesuai
**) : Hanya diisi oleh guru
***) : Hanya diisi oleh pengawas/pegawai
Lampiran 3: Surat Persetujuan Kepala Madrasah (Khusus untuk Guru)
Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:
Nama : ..........................................................................................................................
NIP : ..........................................................................................................................
Jabatan : ..........................................................................................................................
Unit Kerja : ..........................................................................................................................
Alamat unit kerja : ..........................................................................................................................
Dengan ini menyetujui bahwa :
Nama : ..........................................................................................................................
NIP : ..........................................................................................................................
Pangkat/Gol. : ..........................................................................................................................
Guru bidang studi : ...........................................................................................................................
Unit Kerja : ..........................................................................................................................
Alamat unit kerja : ..........................................................................................................................
untuk mengikuti Program Beasiswa Magister (S2) Departemen Agama Tahun 2009. Selanjutnya jika yang
bersangkutan telah menyelesaikan studinya, maka saya bersedia menerimanya bertugas kembali di unit
kerja semula.
Demikian surat persetujuan ini dibuat dengan sesungguhnya dan digunakan sebagaimana mestinya.
Mengetahui, _________________________2009
Ketua Yayasan*) Kepala Madrasah
Tanda tangan dan stempel Tanda tangan dan stempel
(....................................................) (....................................................)
Kasid Mapenda Kanwil/
Kasi Mapenda Kabupaten/Kota**)
Tanda tangan dan stempel
Keterangan :
*) : khusus untuk guru madrasah swasta
**) : untuk guru MA diketahui oleh Kabid Mapenda Kanwil dan guru MTs diketahui oleh Kasi Mapenda Kandepag
Lampiran 4: Surat Persetujuan Pimpinan (Khusus untuk Pengawas dan Pegawai)
Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:
Nama : ..........................................................................................................................
NIP : ..........................................................................................................................
Jabatan : ..........................................................................................................................
Unit Kerja : ..........................................................................................................................
Alamat unit kerja : ..........................................................................................................................
Dengan ini menyetujui bahwa :
Nama : ..........................................................................................................................
NIP : ..........................................................................................................................
Pangkat/Gol. : ..........................................................................................................................
Tugas/Jabatan : ...........................................................................................................................
Unit Kerja : ..........................................................................................................................
Alamat unit kerja : ..........................................................................................................................
untuk mengikuti Program Beasiswa Magister (S2) Departemen Agama Tahun 2009. Selanjutnya jika yang
bersangkutan telah menyelesaikan studinya, maka saya bersedia menerimanya bertugas kembali di unit
kerja semula.
Demikian surat persetujuan ini dibuat dengan sesungguhnya dan digunakan sebagaimana mestinya.
Pimpinan Unit Kerja
Tanda tangan dan stempel


Continuous Reading...